Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why "Monsters vs. Aliens" is the Must See Movie of 2009

As we all know, the "Dreamworks" company has often been a source of entertainment. Their such hits as "Shrek" and that other movie have told "Pixar" that it isn't the only one that will invest money into a cheap form of animation to make a quick million bucks.

But the problem is that no matter how hard it tries, Dreamworks has been nothing but an alternative to Pixar. The main reason for this is Dreamworks keeps making sequels to their few hit movies. "Shrek" got "Shrek 2", and then "Shrek the Third". Given the rule of "sequel curse", it would be wise to not waste the $10 on "Shrek Goes Fourth".

Pixar has always had hit movies, and makes each one better and more visually jaw-dropping than the previous. Why is this? Because it's always making creative ideas for each movie. "Toy Story", "A Bug's Life", "Monsters Inc.", "The Incredibles", "Ratatouille", and "WALL-E" are all original, bringing ideas no one has even considered and made then into moving art.

It is this thing (and of course luck, you can't do anything without luck) that has Pixar one of the most successful companies of all time. And Dreamworks is finally beginning to catch on. You can't just rely on big name celebrity voices alone for a movie. OK, you need A celebrity to be in your movie. It's just kind of a rule for success. But what it really takes is some neat concepts, the right mix of humor with something else, good voicing, and most importantly AN ORIGINAL IDEA.

Dreamworks has proven this with this year's "Kung Fu Panda". Even though it goes a bit overboard with celebrity voices (why is Jackie Chan voicing when he only has five lines?!!?), but it had a lot of great action mixed in with humor. Granted, this idea has been used billions of time, but Dreamworks did exactly what it should have done: their own original twist on an idea. And sure enough, "Kung Fu Panda" was a hit.

So, how will Dreamworks top that for next year? Well, they went back to their old ways for a bit with "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa". A dumb sequel to a dumb movie. No more details. BUT... the hype is building for their next project... "Monsters vs. Aliens"

When someone looks at this title, there's generally two things they think. Either:
A) Another sequel? Yeesh, "Alien vs. Predator" was bad enough! Or...
B) That's the lamest title I've ever heard!

There's a good reason for this. This movie is a callback to the chessy monster and alien movies that were made back in the 1950s. "Plan 9 From Outer Space" is the black hole of chessiness. Hmmm... can't really come up with anymore examples for this category. Moving on!

As mentioned before, Dreamworks is taking their own twist on the monster and alien movies by making a movie literally titled "Monsters vs. Aliens". Already, there's a "laugh out loud" moment with a scene where a reporter says, "Another UFO has crash landed in the United States, the only place where UFOs seem to land". (Don't quote that quote, it's probably incorrect)

Ok, generally it's not a good idea to judge movies based on the voice cast. However, there are a LOT of people who are not unknown, but they're not famous, yet they're all considered to be awesome actors. Seriously, here's who's in it.

As said earlier, no matter how good a movie is, there needs to be a famous celebrity in it to be successful. For "Monsters vs. Aliens", we have Reese Witherspoon. She voices Susan Murphy, an average everyday person (who for some reason has silver hair... was that a style back then?) who one day becomes a 49 foot, 11 and 3/4 inch tall woman (obviously a throwback to "Attack of the 50 foot Woman"). The military captures her, names her "Ginormica" and brings her to the military base where she meets the other strange monsters (oh, like in the title!) the military has captured for scientific purposes (because someone has to)

At the same time, the UFO mentioned earlier turns out to be a robot alien (oh, like in the title!) controlled by a short four-eyed alien named Gallaxher. He wants to- you guessed it- take over the world (OF COURSE!). It turns out that "it's nothing personal, it's JUST business." Here is the first of our unknown known celebrity voicers. He is voiced by Rainn Wilson, known as Dwight from "The Office", and recently starred in "The Rocker". Though personal experience with "The Office" is little, the little seen is enough to see this guy is funny enough to voice this alien. (So out of all he's played, who's weirder? The Rocker, Dwight, or Gallaxher. Tough competition)

So now we have Gallaxher trying to take the world. So, what does the military need to stop him? Monsters, of course! Here, we are treated to an impressive line of known but unknown actors. The military general, "Gen W.R. Monger" (oh, WAR Monger!) is voiced by Keifer Sutherland, aka "Jack Bauer" from "24". He presents the monsters the military has studied, including:

"The Missing Link": a strange reptilian creature who is presumed to be... the missing link. He is voiced by Will Arnet. He is known for his voice work, most notably his voicing for GMC ads, including the line "it's not more than you need. Just more than you're used to." OK, moving on, we have...

"Dr. Cockroach": a cockroach that's a denying though obviously mad scientist. He is coincidentally voiced by Hugh Laurie, known for titular role in "House". The role doesn't seem that different, come to think of it. (However, note in "House", he uses an American accent. In this movie, he uses his actual British accent... that's just funny)

Next is "B.O.B": a big blue blob, who apparently doesn't have a brain. "Turns out you don't need one to do things", which might become an American catch phrase, is said by Seth Rogan. Ok, why is it this guy stars in some of the most adult of adult movies, but he voices in some of the most popular of kid movies? Seriously, he was in "The 40 Year Old Virgin", stared in "Knocked Up", "SuperBad", and "Zack and Miri make a Porno", yet he's also in kid movies such as "Horton Hears a Who!" and "Kung Fu Panda". But either way: great actor with an apparently distinct voice.

In line with Rogan, there's Paul Rudd as a character named "Derek". No idea on who that character is. You'll probably recognize Rudd as the "Somewhat Abstinent Guy" in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and the "Kind of a jerk, mostly misunderstood dad" in "Knocked Up" (there's a weird pattern emerging from this)

But by far, the most awesome fit for a voice is "The President of the United States". He is voiced by... Stephen Colbert! Wow, that is just the best fit of all. All that's left to figure out is whether that was Stephen Colbert's idea, or if it was Dreamworks' idea.

Alright, so the above has stated the random but relevant reasons why the voice cast is awesome, probably the most awesome of awesomeness for an awesome movie (Hey, I sound like Matt Brown!)

Along with this, the plot looks great, the trailer in jokes were humorous, and it just looks beautiful... of course seeing as to it's about monsters and aliens, impressive. But seriously, this movie really is pushing the limits to computer animation. It honestly almost looks like Pixar!

Here's to hoping that Dreamworks becomes not an alternative to when the next Pixar movie comes out, but enough to stand on its own as a great animation company

- Jonathan

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